"If Jack's in love, he's no judge of Jill's beauty."
~Benjamin Franklin
NOTE: right now i'm moving around some stuff.. soooo.. a buncha the links might not work
Hello.. welcome.. and whatever else.. i'm finally doing something
w/ this page.. kinda.. well.. not really.. but better than nothing, right? I
moved it here (to tripod) 'cuz that lil' banner thingy that other thingy sticks on my
page in the other thingy really bugged me.. I still don't know much about making
pages... so this page will still be dull and boring.. yay!
okay.. so here's me..
My name's Wendy Sheu.. Some people like to call me
Tarzan... this freak started it.. not me!! I was not
given this very strange name by choice, k? I live in
Saratoga, California... which is a puny lil' city right
next to San Jose.. My b-day's April 23rd... I'm a junior
at Saratoga High School (and if I don't update this page for awhile then i'm
probably not a junior anymore when you read this..) My older brother goes to
JHU (Johns Hopkins University) in Baltimore, MD.. (Click Here To See Pic of My
Bro & Me) (April 1998)
I'm in Spanish 4H right now... so like.. i kinda know spanish... but umm..
not really =)... so yeah.. i don't have anything else to say!
actually.. yeah..
since this was on my page before.. here are just some quotes i wrote.. or made
up.. or whatever.. Life is a puzzle... & usually the pieces don't fit.. but you can
make them fit... if you want something to happen.. make it happen.. dreams don't always come true on their
own.. & people don't always wait a lifetime for you...
fate only does so much, the rest is up to you..
okay.. so now my no frames version is less organized.... but here's everything that's in my frames version...
sorry it's so icky! i'm just putting it in a big gunk for now... no time.. ahhh..
Me SHS Poll Thoughts Message Board Stuff Pix Links
i added a new counter & guestbook since i moved my page.. yep..